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Whats Happening ?
May 2015
Emma Vassili - Appointed Co-ordinator
We are pleased to have onboard Emma Vassili who is co-ordinator for the Law Voice Center in Patrick Street Blacktown. With a caste of volunteers, Emma will breath life into the Law Voice Centre which is a great community resource.
July 12, 2011
Michael Vassili - Barristers and Solicitors Provide Sponsorship Commitment
Michael Vassili Barristers & Solicitors have committed to the seeding and ongoing resourcing of Law Voice. While Michael Vassili Barristers & Solicitors is a fully commercial practice, ongoing financial and other support is provided to Law Voice which operates from their Patrick Street Office in Blacktown in the heart of Western Sydney. Additionally, they have committed a roster of experienced lawyers and supervised volunteer paralegals to ensure the viability of Law Voice which does not obtain funding from any other source. This is one of the Social Justice initiatives of the Firm.
January 2015
Wendy Gao - Appointed as Chair of Law Voice
Wendy is presently studying law and she has a long standing history of commitment to social justice. Wendy will be expanding the Law Voice Centre wider afield through social media and other initiatives to assist in providing access to the Law.